Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A Rose by any other Name

Tis true that a person is still that same person no matter what their name. But I was reminded again, on Sunday, of the weight placed on names in the Bible. One of the readings involved Nathanael, who saw Jesus and knew who He was. My son's middle name is Nathanael, given to him in hopes that he, like the young man in the Bible story, would grow up to see and recognize Christ.

While names are just words, it's good to remember that words also contain meaning, and moreover, memory. Whenever I hear that Bible story I am called anew to make sure my son grows in wisdom and stature so that he'll be able to know Jesus.

My daughter's name was likewise given to her so that she, like the old prophetess who greeted Mary and Joseph and the Babe arriving at the Temple in Jerusalem.

In times such as these, it's good to remember that words can act as symbols, secrets almost, the meaning only apparent to those who have ears to hear or eyes to see.

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